Sir Isaac Newton Education Empowerer Award This award will leave an indelible impression of honor and accomplishment, inspiring all to persevere in their pursuit of excellence within their respective spheres. AWARDS CATEGORIES Dance TeachersSong TeachersSports CoachesDrawing TeachersResearchers AuthorsTeachers Educators WritersCoaching Institutes Professors nomination form Awardees Dr. Rahul Sudke"Researcher & Associate Professor" Department of English, Dr. Gopalrao Khedkar Mahavidyalay Gadegaon, Tellara, Akola, Maharashtra Dr. Abhimanyu Mane"Researcher & Assistant Professor" Yashwantrao Chavan Mahavidyala, Karmala, Maharashtra Prof. Sudhir Mulik"Assistant Professor" Yashavantarao Chavan Mahavidyalaya, Karmala, Maharashtra Dr. Rupali Balwant Kulkarni"Researcher & Associate Professor" Swa. Sawarkar Mahavidyalayat, Beed, Maharashtra Ms. Shilpa Shri"Researcher" Bangalore, Karnataka